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Press Release
Volos Academy for Theological Studies
Department of Psaltic Art and Musicology
3rd International Musicological and Psaltic Conference
«…ἐν ἐπιγνώσει ὑμνοῦντας Σε…»
(= chanting consciously in praise to Thee)
Prerequisites and Skills for Sacred Chanting
in Orthodox Worship
Wednesday, May 30 (evening) – Saturday, June 2 (afteroon), 2018
Thessaly Conference Center – Melissiatika, Volos, Greece
Press release
After the successful realization of the first two International Musicological Conferences (2014 and 2016), the Department of Psaltic Art and Musicology of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies plans its 3rd International Musicological and Psaltic Conference in Volos, between May 30th and June 2nd , 2018, entitled
«…ἐν ἐπιγνώσει ὑμνοῦντας Σε…»
(= chanting consciously in praise to Thee)
Prerequisites and Skills for Sacred Chanting in Orthodox Worship

Extension of deadlines for 3rd International Musicological and Psaltic Conference on Psaltic Art
3rd International Musicological and Psaltic Conference on Psaltic Art
of the Department of Psaltic Art and Musicology of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies
«…ἐν ἐπιγνώσει ὑμνοῦντας Σε…»
(=chanting consciously in praise to Thee)
Prerequisites and Skills for Sacred Chanting in Orthodox Worship
Wednesday, May 30 (evening) – Saturday, June 2 (afteroon), 2018
Thessaly Conference Center – Melissiatika, Volos, Greece
The Organizing Committee of the Conference announces that the deadline for submission of proposals for the 3rd International Musicological and Psaltic Conference on Psaltic Art of the Department of Psaltic Art and Musicology of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies was extended. A new deadline will expire on Friday, February 23, 2018, while The Scientific Committee of the Congress is going to announce the

2018.05.30, 3rd International Musicological and Psaltic Conference on Psaltic Art
3rd International Musicological and Psaltic Conference on Psaltic Art
of the Department of Psaltic Art and Musicology of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies
«…ἐν ἐπιγνώσει ὑμνοῦντας Σε…»
(=chanting consciously in praise to Thee)
Prerequisites and Skills for Sacred Chanting in Orthodox Worship
Wednesday, May 30 (evening) – Saturday, June 2 (afteroon), 2018
Thessaly Conference Center – Melissiatika, Volos, Greece
Continue reading “2018.05.30, 3rd International Musicological and Psaltic Conference on Psaltic Art”

2017.11.24, Skopje, “Chanting at Orthodox Churches”
Accoplishment of the Symposium
The 19th Symposium on Balkan Folklore, organized by the Scientific Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov” of the St. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, fYROM, took place in Skopje, on Nov. 24th and 25th, 2017. The Symposium had the title “Tradition and Contemporary Topics in the Balkans”. The Department of Psaltic Art and Musicology of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies was represented by its scientific collaborator, Costis Drygianakis, who spoke on the topic “Chanting in Orthodox churches: Orality and musical literacy, findings and reconstructions; an ethnographic approach” questioning the absence of ethnographic research in the field of church chanting, and on the ways followed by the related musicological research. The abstract of the presentation is as follows. Continue reading “2017.11.24, Skopje, “Chanting at Orthodox Churches””
Conference Announcement
2nd International Interdisciplinary Musicological Conference
of the Department of Psaltic Art and Musicology
of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies
June 9 – 11, 2016
Thessaly Conference Centre – Melissiatika, Volos, Greece
“Από Χορού και Ομοθυμαδόν“
(=all together and in the same mood)
Proceedings and perspectives
of the Interdisciplinary research on Psaltiki
The 1st International Interdisciplinary Musicological Conference of the Department of Psaltic Art and Musicology (Volos Academy for Theological Studies) had the title: «Psaltiki as an autonomous science: Scientific branches – Related Scienftific Fields – Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Interaction» aiming to highlighting a) the necessity for self-determination of the discipline of musicology on the psaltic art; b) the possibilities available for its interdisciplinary approach and c) the possibilities offered by the psaltic art as a tool for the support of other disciplines. Thus, this first Conference approached the study of Psaltiki as an autonomous science, a theoretical background of the interdisciplinarity was laid down and, for the first time, its scientific branches were defined (even if simply as suggestions, for some of them). The most important point was the strong interest expressed for for every kind of interdisciplinary collaboration, to all possible directions of research.
With the 2nd International Interdisciplinary Musicological Conference, with the title “ΑπόΧορούκαιΟμοθυμαδόν” (=all together and in the same mood), the Department of Psaltic Art and Musicology of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies calls for actual, concrete suggestions of interdisciplinary collaboration on and about the Psaltiki, which can be formulated as topics for international research programs (even immediately, in round tables that can take place during the conference) and their realization can be planned for the near future.
As in the previous year, this time the Conference will again be open to all the scientific approaches on the study of Psaltic Art. Thus, since there are no separate thematic categories, there is an invitation to all the scientific disciplines to study the possibility of a correlation of their scientific fields with the Psaltic Art. Theology, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Philology, History, Law, Psychology, Medicine, Mathematics, Natural Science, Computer Science, Technology and, of course, Musicology; all the sciences are invited to find fields for studies in Psaltic art or topics for interaction with it.
The Conference will take place in the Conference Center of the Holy Metropolis of Demetrias, in Melissiatika, Volos, Greece, between June 9th and 11th, 2016.
Proposals for contribution in the Conference must be submitted to the Organizing Committee, to the e-mail address, not later than February 12th, 2016. Proposals must include title, abstract (not longer than 300 words) and CV of the speaker (not longer than 200 words). Alternatively, they can be submitted by ordinary post, to the address: Volos Academy of Theological Studies – Department of Psaltic Art and Musicology, P.O.Box 1308, Volos GR-38001 Greece.
Selection of proposals will be announced not later than February 22nd, 2016.
The confirmation of participation, along with the payment of the participation fee, must be not later than March 30th, 2019.
Presentations of individual papers must not be longer than 20 minutes and will be followed by a short 10-minute discussion.
Papers must be presented either in Greek or English language. There will be NO translation. Speakers who choose the Greek language are kindly requested to submit an English translation of their paper as well (or at least an extended summary), not later than June 1st, 2016 (in .doc or .pdf. form), in order to be disseminated to the participants who don’t understand Greek. Translations of English papers into the Greek language are also welcome.
The Conference participation fee is fixed as 120 € per person, and it includes accommodation for two nights (in double bed rooms) in the Olympic Games Hostel of the Municipality of Volos, all meals starting with the dinner of June 9th and ending with the lunch of June 11th, the Conference folder, coffees and cookies for the breaks, and acceptance in all the musical activities that will accompany the Conference, as well as the publication of the Conference proceedings online (in pdf. form, as submitted by the participants). It does NOT include expenses for the case of printed publication of the Conference proceedings. Considering accommodation, there will be some versatility (for participants who wish to stay in a single bed room or who don’t wish to stay in the Olympic Games Hostel) and the relevant details will be announced after the selection of the proposals.
The proceeding of the Conference will be published online in digital format, and for the text formatting there will be concrete instructions right after the selection. THE ORGANISING COMMITTEE IS WILLING TO HAVE THE PROCEEDINGS PUBLISHED TILL THE DAYS OF THE CONFERENCE. TO THIS GOAL, IT WILL TAKE THE BEST POSSIBLE CARE TO BE ACCURATE TO THE DATES ANNOUNCED ABOVE.
Forthcoming information on the conference will be uploaded in our site
For all questions related to the Conference, you can contact the Department for Psaltic Art and Musicology at the above e-mail
We kindly ask you to disseminate this message to everyone possibly interested.